Save time, money and environment with
Energy Optima 3

Software for accurate load forecasts and economic optimization (both short- and long-term) of energy production, heat networks, hydrogen systems and support for energy trading.

The advantages of using Energy Optima 3 in the operational organization are:

  • Reduce 5-15 % of the annual production costs

  • Lowering of CO2 emissions, improving green profile

  • Common base for production planning within the company

  • Economic awareness and understanding in all departments
  • Facilitation of reporting & follow-up

  • Accurate decision-making and long-term investment planning

  • Stay competitive in a changing energy industry, future-proofing of the energy system

  • More effective work procedures

  • A German energy company

    “The speed. You come very fast to results with the optimizations. The system is very clear through pictures, measurements and also through the optimized production values. The diagram views give a very good overview over the production plans. Important are the simulation possibilities, so that you can perform separate calculations independently from the main system.”

  • A Swedish energy company

    “Energy Optima 3 enables us to have an eye on the economical status of our energy production. We have a complex energy system, which there is a description of in the system. It provides an overall good picture of the production facilities, and the entire energy system is analyzed right economically. Without the tool, you are left flat, far from everything is obvious in our operation cases.”

  • A Finnish energy company

    “With the Energy Optima 3 system we are able to analyze the costs of the operational management of our production. Energy Optima 3 also gives us a solid base for the development of the usage of our production system.  A great advantage is the freedom to simulate the production with existing units and with new optional units.”

  • A Swiss energy company

    "You get a glimpse into the future., It's good to know what will happen the following hours., It is also good and important that the system is so easy to use."

  • A French energy company

    "Since Energy Optima 3 was installed, our energy engineers can keep a global perspective on; the weather forecast and district heating load forecast for 24 hours day and for 7 days, optimized load forecast broken divided up by fuel and optimal production operation and forward temperature forecast and general help on the use of district heating network as thermal storage. Operating managers are also using the software to schedule maintenance and manage the energy storages. Energy Optima 3 is a real support tool for important decisions that make it possible to share information on our three large central plants and facilitates the general operation. The main gain as the result of installing Energy Optima 3 is a reduction in heat losses by 4%."
